Donor Designated Gifts

Happy Family Through a Donor Designed Gift to the Geneseo Foundation, you retain the privilege of advising the distributions of your charitable giving. The donor’s input is to advise the Geneseo Foundation of possible recipients and recommendations in respect to distributions. Donors will often use a Donor Designed Gift to free themselves of the administrative and time requirements in managing their philanthropic giving. A benefit to the donor is that the recipient has already been qualified as a tax exempt organization; the Foundation completes the recordkeeping and can donate anonymously if the donor desires. Your contributions to the fund may also be tax deductible in the year it’s made.

A single contribution to a Donor Designed Gift through the Geneseo Foundation may benefit multiple charities. You may also establish a Donor Designed Gift through your will naming specific charities as recipients for further contributions. Donors who opt for this type of gift should be aware that while they advise on the recipients of their funds, the Geneseo Foundation Board of Managers may make the final determination with respect to the distribution of funds.

If you are interested in becoming a part of the Geneseo Foundation’s legacy through a Donor Designed Gift, we invite you to contact the Central Bank Illinois Trust Division, PO Box 89, Geneseo, IL 61254 or call 309-944-5608.